Tuesday 26 November 2013

Basic gardening tip - Basil a great herb

Basil is one of the most versatile of herbs, enhancing the flavour of both hot and cold dishes.  Every garden should have a plant if only for the delightful smell it produces as you brush past when watering.

Basil responds well to pruning, which will extend its production for a few seasons.  Cut back by a 1/3 to ensure good regrowth.  My old basil plant has been going strong for 2 years, cutting it back when it became to straggly, but today out it came.  It was producing to much seed and small thin leaves, so its day had come.

I always throw the old plant with its seed heads into one of the garden beds, in the hope I will get new plants.  Anyway, if you don't get seedlings it makes good green mulch for the garden.

Making sure all of the plant was removed, included all the fine roots, I topped the pot up with rich potting mix, popped in the new plants and fed with liquid Seasol.  I now have 3 pots of new Basil growing throughout the garden.

Basil will grow quite happily any where you put it, but I find my bests plants are those that have part sun, part shade and plenty of water.

All I have to do now is watch, wait and pick.

Happy gardening


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