Wednesday 13 November 2013

Basic gardening tips - the consequences of not weeding

Just come in from the garden with a lesson well learnt, don't let couch grass get established in your pots. I spent 2 hours pulling apart, washing and replanting my Rain Lilies. Thank goodness I was surrounded by lovely plants to remind me why I do it.

What a mess you wouldn't even think that there was any other plants other than couch grass in the pot.  I had 2 pots that looked like this!  Couch is make a wonderful lawn, but it's runners will creep into everything, establishing very quickly creating a root structure that is like fine webbing.  It sticks to the pot and makes it very difficult to get out, luckily for me I have a very willing helper in Gary.

Job done now for separating and washing the bulbs to make sure all the couch roots are gone.  This is a very important stage, otherwise you will be back in the same situation within weeks.

The good news is I now have dozens of potted up Rain Lilies for future use in the garden and sharing with friends.

Back in their spot looking decidedly better than when  I started.  Rain Lilies are such a pretty little bulb that flower at about the time the summer rain begins.  Worth a spot in the garden, but do look after them.

Happy gardening


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