Tuesday 19 November 2013

Basic gardening tips - Chillies in your garden

All our family and friends love chillies and if there is one plant that is a  favourite  of my husband it is the hot, hot chilli bush.  He has been an enthusiastic propagator of all types of varieties for the last 10 years.

They must be one of the easiest  plants to grow and seeds spring up in no time.  Gary prefers to gather his seeds from existing plants, using cardboard egg trays to germinate them. Once they are big enough he plants them out into larger pots to establish into strong little bushes before they go into the garden.

We have Bell, Birdseye, Banana, Thai to name a few and the harvest is shared around, there is a variety to suit all tastes in regards to heat.  Always check the label to see the scale of heat in them because some will take your head off.  Gary loves to swap the different varieties with friends so our chillies are now growing in a Sydney and Brisbane.

So why grow chillies, even if you are not a fan of them to eat they make a beautiful bush with dazzling splashes of red, green, purple and gold. Chillies! A must for any garden.

Happy gardening


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